Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Carpet Cleaning Blunders To Avoid- Your Cleaning Guide!

Even though your dirty looking carpets may not need regular cleaning, experts who clean it professionally always suggest doing it every 18-months. This is even if you vacuum your carpets consistently.

Other than not cleaning your carpets at all, another mistake many homeowners make is not cleaning it properly. The post explains those common blunders that you should avoid when looking to DIY clean your home carpets.
  • Scrubbing Vigorously To Remove A Stain:-

The commonest mistake in DIY carpet cleaning is vigorously scrubbing the stained carpet area. It can lead to damaging the carpet fibres and reducing its lifespan.

Josh Matthew- working as a professional carpet cleaning specialist near Southbank states clearly:-

“Scrubbing vigorously is an inadequate mode of getting strains off the carpet surface. It does little to remove them; rather, it likely pushes the stains deeper into the carpet surface. 

And if these issues weren’t enough, excessively scrubbing can lead to untwisting and causing them to fray. The proper way of cleaning it will be to employ a proper blotting action.”
  • Not Reacting As Quickly As You Want:-

This is a common instance that many homeowners do- be it due to their ignorance or being caught up when entertaining guests. But little do they know that waiting to clean the spill or stain allows the liquid to seep inside the carpet fabric and eventually into its padding.

This can further lead to wicking issues when you do get down to removing the stains, mould growth and even odour from the carpet surface.
  • Ignoring To Test The Carpet Cleaning Product:-

Employing improper cleaning solutions on your carpet surface can lead to more serious damages on your carpet surface- even causing it to discolour and lose its plush appeal. This is another fatal mistake that many homeowners make.

The wise choice should be to test the carpet cleaning solution on your carpet surface as per the manufacturer’s suggested guidelines or the label at its back.

Note:- Rick North:- known as a best carpet cleaner in Port Melbourne states clearly:-
“The last thing you want to do is ruin even a patch on your carpet surface while testing the cleaning product. 

So, pick an inconspicuous area on the carpet surface and perform a small test. If the results are favourable, proceed over to the stained area.”
  • Using Way Too Much Chemicals:-

Many believe this tactic to work in their favour. But in contrary to their belief, more carpet cleaning chemicals (the harsh ones) doesn’t contribute to cleaning them properly.

So, when DIY cleaning your filthy carpets, never look to oversaturate your carpets with harsh or improper cleaning chemicals. This can result in further carpet damage and more accumulation of dirt, dust and filthy residue.
  • And Lastly Excessively Dampening The Carpet Surface:-

There is no reason to excessively drown a stained carpet surface to clean it right. The truth is, applying excessive moisture over the carpet surface can degrade the quality of the carpet and hamper its durability and longevity.

Furthermore, it can also lead to discolouration and occurrence of dampening odours.
The correct way to do it would be to soak the wet area using a mix of water and industry-trusted cleaning solution. Allow the solution to stay over the carpet surface for a few minutes and then look to absorb all the existing moisture using a wad of paper towel or a white bath towel.

Press firmly over the carpet surface for extra pressure so that the entire existing moisture is soaked out completely.

Capping Off:-

Clean carpets always play a crucial role in uplifting the aesthetics of your home floors. They present a clean and welcoming appearance, and even keeps the interior air quality clean.

However, if you don’t have any prior experience in cleaning carpets, then the smart way would be to fix an appointment with a best-in-class carpet cleaning company serving Port Melbourne.

Furthermore, if you have any further questions about carpet cleaning, feel free to discuss it with their experts. They would be happy to help.

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