Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How To Keep My Carpet Clean? Get Tips From The Best Carpet Cleaners

Carpet is undoubtedly one of the major parts of your house's aesthetics. This is the foremost question in everyone's mind, "How can I keep my carpet clean?"  The best carpet cleaning company in Port Melbourne is suggesting you some effective tips about how to keep your carpet clean and safe. It increases the longevity of the carpets. Make sure that you follow the steps thoroughly. Any small violation of the rules can lead your carpet to great damage. Let's check out the tips here.

Make Friends With Vinegar And Club Soda

Club soda is very effective in removing the wine and beer stain from your carpet. But, you have to clean it correctly. After pouring the soda onto a clean cloth, you have to note the stain. If the stain appears lighter, repeat the movement with some more soda. Now, if that also fails, mix a one-to-one ratio of white vinegar and water. "Then you can pour the liquid into a handheld spray bottle," says the experts.

Blot Stains, Don't Rub Them

When a stain or spill first occurs, don't start scrubbing immediately. They will make the stain more prominent on the carpet. Instead, you should gently scrub the place with a paper towel, clothes, or sponge. The key is blotting. Blotting is what gives pressure on the stain. So, you can soak it up. Steven says, "Rubbing is the cause behind the residue coming up from the rag. This is the reason behind a premature breakdown of those fibers." Blot from the outer edge of the stain inward towards the center. Blotting outward can spread the stain further across the carpet. 

Try Shaving Cream

Experts say that shaving cream is the best option for cleaning the mess from your carpet. A mix of shaving cream, vinegar, and water is ideal. Spray the solution over the stain and wipe away with a cloth. 

Freeze Chewing Gum

Chewing gum on the carpet is a general scenario. You accidentally step up to chewing gum and it sticks to your carpet. The solution is easier than the problem. Get some ice cubes from your freezer and press them on the chewing gum. When the chewing gum is frozen, use a spoon or knife to remove it from the carpet. 

These are some great tips that you should follow from the professional carpet cleaning services in South Melbourne. When you apply these tips effectively, there is no chance that you get the best carpet cleaning service. 

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